Founders Day Celebration – May 10
Wreath laying at the Vereins Kirche at 9:30 am followed by another wreath laying and tour at Der Stadt Friedhof on N. Lee Street. Living History activities will take place on the grounds of the Pioneer Museum such as rope making and doll making. Visitors will be treated to free beer tasting from Fredericksburg Brewing Company and Pedernales Brewery from 2 to 5 pm. A social hour will begin at 5 pm followed by a dinner at 6 pm. The dinner will be held in the historic sanctuary of the First Methodist Church and tickets are $15. Descendants of early Fredericksburg families who were engaged in the brewing heritage of Gillespie County will be honored.
9:30 am to 5 pm. Regular museum admission is $5 adults; $3 students; children 5 and under are free.